Health Care Solutions and Nursse Calls

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Prement Free Zone Company has partnered with leading solutions providers for a wide area of hospital needs. We are able to provide a top to bottom product list from every day disposable to sophisticated diagnostic equipment. We have headed product implantations in the UAE, Kuwait, Republic of Congo and Nigeria.

Exclusive Distribution Rights for the following:

Hugs Infant Protection System

Manufactured by Stanly Heathcare, Hugs Infant Protection System is the leading safety and security product to guard against infant kidnapping, abduction and mother/infant mismatch. It is a choice supported by parents, nurses, administrators and security staff alike

The product has a record that speaks for itself:

  • Over one million babies protected every year since 1998
  • Over 30% of new sales are replacing competitive systems
  • Over 99% of all Hugs Infant Protection systems installed since 1998 are still operating

 Austco Inter-Hospital Communication Systems

We are an authorized reseller of Austco Calling System for the GCC, MENA and West Africa regions with a certified sales and technical team.

Established in 1985, Austco Communications is a world leader in the highly specialized field of electronic communications for the healthcare and secured accommodation environments. Austco designs and manufactures a family of dedicated microprocessor Emergency Call Management Systems.

Austco Profides the following products

  • Hospital use: TACERA, MediCom and LightCom
  • Long term care use: CallGuard
  • Non-intrusive care use: DCS-2000
  • Intercommunication System use : CellGuard
United Arab Emirates Nigeria Republic of Congo

Sharjah International Airport Free Zone
Office Q3-119
Sharjah, UAE
+971 (50) 694 6139
+971 (6) 557 5959
Premnet Free Zone Company Limited
Plot 628 Industrial Layout
Jos, Nigeria
+234 (706) 288 6776
Avenue Marien Ngoubi
Round Point Ex Bata
Point Noire, Republic of Congo
+242 (35) 444 4444