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Murv-100 Mobility
Big-Wheel Set with Gripper Tires (6)
For climbing kerbs and steps, as well as traversing sand and mud, 6 big wheels with gripper tires replace the 10 small wheels. Each tire comes pre-mounted on its own wheel for easy installation or removal in the field.
Quick-Change Option on Wheels (10 + 6) and Drive Axles (10)
While regular wheels are attached and removed by turning a central screw with a screwdriver, this option permits changing the wheels without the use of the screwdriver, and thus without the chance of dropping the screw. A luxury option requested by a few rich countries.
Complete Spare Set of all 16 Tires
This set consists of the tires only - 10 standard tires and 6 gripper tires. Useful as replacements if and then a tire get worn, damaged or lost. Not an urgent requirement since any required spares for the MURV-100 can be delivered by courier world-wide in a just few days.
Track Assembly
The Track Asembly is attached to the vehicle and replaces the wheels, for climbing stairs, traversing tough ground and crossing other obstacles. Track assembly can be installed or removed in the field, using a single screwdriver.
High-Speed Motor Option
This option increases the maximum speed of the MURV- 100 by a factor of 1.6. This option causes some loss of torque and fine low-speed control.
Counterweight plate mounts between turntable and arm and carries up to 5 weights which serve to balance the robot when its arm is horizontal and carrying a heavy item or has a disruptor mounted on it.